Universal Ballet News

What's On Petite Mort - Ballet Expo Seoul 2012 opening show

페이지 정보

조회 7,150 작성일 12-08-16 16:21


Thursday, August 23, 2012
※ Invitation performance (20:00)

Arko Arts Theater (Seoul, Korea)

VIP  100,000 Won,  R  70,000 Won ,  S 50,000 Won,  A 30,000 Won
* Minimun age : 6 years (1st grade)
* Running Time : 160 minutes (including other selected works)

As the opening performance, Universal Ballet will kick off with Jiří Kylián's 'PETITE MORT', one of the world renowned modern ballet masterpieces, at the Seoul International Ballet Festival 2012. Universal Ballet’s 'PETITE MORT' is one of the world renowned modern ballet masterpieces. And the Universal Ballet has been uniformly praised by dance critics, choreographers, stagers and audience members alike. Along with Universal Ballet, the ballet expo's opening show will be presented by the Izmir National Ballet, Het National Ballet, CPBC ballet etc.

The 2012 Seoul International Ballet Festival will be held from August 23 ~ September 1 2012, at the Arko Arts Theater, Seoul, Korea.
Please check the website : www.koreaballet.or.krcall 822-2049-4700 for more information.

Picture Universal Ballet's PETITE MORT

ⓒ Universal Ballet 2012 (photo by Kyung-jin Kim)